Product Line
PM5320, PM5340, and PM5341 support BACnet IP protocol from the firmware version V2.1X and higher with Hardware Version B1.
Firmware V2.xx is applicable for Hardware version B1. Hardware version is indicated on the Meter labels.
Meters with 1.xx firmware can’t be upgraded with 2.xx firmware for BACnet support and refer the FA358115 for firmware compatibility.
The meter supports specific BACnet components and standard objects. The BACnet protocol allows you to:
• set the out-of-service property of an object to true
• to write a value to the out-of-service property for testing
PM5320, PM5340 and PM5341 meters do not support BACnet MS/TP (BACNet Serial), these meters only support BACNet IP (over Ethernet)
PM5320, PM5340, and PM5341 support BACnet IP protocol from the firmware version V2.1X and higher with Hardware Version B1.
Firmware V2.xx is applicable for Hardware version B1. Hardware version is indicated on the Meter labels.
Meters with 1.xx firmware can’t be upgraded with 2.xx firmware for BACnet support and refer the FA358115 for firmware compatibility.
The meter supports specific BACnet components and standard objects. The BACnet protocol allows you to:
• set the out-of-service property of an object to true
• to write a value to the out-of-service property for testing
PM5320, PM5340 and PM5341 meters do not support BACnet MS/TP (BACNet Serial), these meters only support BACNet IP (over Ethernet)
Gepubliceerd voor:Schneider Electric Belgium