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how to secure my S_EQUIVALENT and/or S_ANTIVALENT Safety DFB against glitches ?
1.    Issue :
Dead lock issues have been found in the S_EQUIVALENT and S_ANTIVALENT safety DFBs in a probably environment context where glitches could appears on inputs.
when the issue occurs, the DFB waits forever for an input which is already active.

2.    Product Line :
all M580 Safety PLC

3.    Environment (Define which Windows OS, any software being used with their respective software version.)
all Control Expert versions

4.    Resolution
"S_EQUIVALENT_workaround.XDB" and "S_ANTIVALENT_workaround.XDB" workaround DFBs have been designed to secure the S_EQUIVALENT and S_ANTIVALENT DFBs
they include the safety DFBs and some applicative code to detect the dead lock and reset the safety DFB.
the workaround DFB are pin to pin compatible with the safety DFB.

Schneider Electric Belgium

S_EQUIVALENT S_ANTIVALENT workarounds.zip [81.9 KB]
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