The purpose of this resolution is to inform users of Advantys Ethernet Network Interface Module (NIM) STBNIP2212 that the Exec. has been upgraded to version 2.1.3.
Product Line
Advantys STB
Exec. v.2.1.3 resolves the following issues:
- The Ethernet NIM could lockup or temporarily freeze when queried at rates less than 5ms.
- When queried at fast rates (< 5ms), the large variation in response time has been minimized.
- Error reporting issue when populated with only input modules. When an Ethernet connection to a communicating NIM is broken and re-established, the emergency message registers (45375 - 45382) continue to display module errors and the Island Configuration web page continues to display Node Error next to the modules listed.
- When a third party module is hot swapped on the CANopen Extension, it would not configure properly if it did not issue a Reset within 3 seconds. This parameter in the STBNIP2212 has been increased to 30 seconds for devices that take longer than 3 seconds to reset.
- Corrects a problem when the NIM was released from test mode. Outputs would operate for approximately 50ms, go to fallback for about 50ms, and then come back to RUN state.
- Corrects problem hot swapping input modules in an operating STBNIP2212 connected island after the Ethernet cable has been disconnected from the NIM. Removing the NIM Ethernet connection, hot swapping an input module, then reconnecting the cable results in the hot swapped module readings to be zero and its RDY (Ready) LED blinks rapidly. A power cycle restores proper operation.
- The number of connections to the NIM has been reduced from 32 to 16. If more than 16 connections are attempted, the NIM will drop the oldest connection and accept the new one.
The Ethernet NIM Exec. version 2.1.3 is at a Transparent Ready B10 classification.
As these issues were resolved in the Ethernet NIM firmware version 2.1.3, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest firmware version that is posted on for this model.
The attachment NIM Exec Upgrade Procedure.doc describes how to install the Ethernet NIM Exec.
The attachment contains the following files:
- Upgrade.exe - upgrade utility
- FBC000.bin - STBNIP2212 Ethernet NIM Exec.
Released for:Schneider Electric Ireland