Goals and Symptoms
The user can not easily read the front panel display.
Contrast ratio is extremely dim or dark. The following are instructions on how to change display contrast on the 7300 series via the front panel.
Facts and Changes
7300, 7330, 7350
Causes and Fixes
Round Button (Enter button):
At the front panel of the meter, hold down the round button for a few seconds. The display will cycle through different contrasts from blank to completely dark. Release the button when the desired contrast has been reached.
NOTE: Other button combinations that will cycle the contrast ratio include: up and down arrows, up and enter, down and enter
Front Panel:
At the front panel press the round button to enter the Setup Screen. Scroll down to Display Setup, then select DOP1 Contrast from that menu. Press either of the arrow keys to adjust the contrast or press Enter to exit.
Original article#11251
Last Revised: October 24, 2007
All content © 1992-2007 Schneider Electric
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL188674 V1.0, Originally authored by KBAdPM on 10/27/2007, Last Edited by KBAdPM on 10/27/2007
Related ranges: ION7300
Released for:Schneider Electric Ireland