If you have Facility Expert Operations license associated for your side and in case you do not receive alarms for your equipment, you need to first make sure that events settings are properly configured in Com’X: 
How to make sure that the event is going out of Com’X:
In “Maintenance/Events” in Com’X, there is an event counter. When you generate the alarm (ex: temperature rise or status change on a contactor), the event counter will increment after less than 1mn (polling period of Com’X).
Before the event:

After the Event:

- Events must be activated (in Settings / Event Settings)
- Predefined events are sent by predefined devices such as PowerTag, Compact or MasterPact
- Custom events are all other events defined on Com’X variable
- For Custom events, events must be set to be sent to “Facility Expert” (action: “Send to Facility Expert”) as “High” (“Error” = red alarm in Facility Expert) or as “Low” (“Alert” = orange alarm in Facility Expert).
How to make sure that the event is going out of Com’X:
In “Maintenance/Events” in Com’X, there is an event counter. When you generate the alarm (ex: temperature rise or status change on a contactor), the event counter will increment after less than 1mn (polling period of Com’X).
Before the event:
After the Event:
- Critical events are “Predefined” events in Com’X from Schneider devices (Powertag, Compact, Masterpact).
- Standard events are custom events defined on Com’X. On the example above, the Standard Event counter increased from 6 to 7 and the Total event counter also increased from 57 to 58 It confirms that the event when out of Com’X. Then, the event should be received in Facility Expert Mobile.
Released for:Schneider Electric Ireland