The error 8130h on an Advantys island generally comes when there is Loss of fieldbus communication, NIM
communication error or internal bus error.
communication error or internal bus error.
To resolve the problem you can do the following:
1. Make sure that Holdup time in island communication under NIP2311 Module Ethernet Parameter->Master IP, is
greater than the time between two consecutive requests from master. If is not define or varying time to time then put the
Holdup time as 0 will define the infinite holdup time.
greater than the time between two consecutive requests from master. If is not define or varying time to time then put the
Holdup time as 0 will define the infinite holdup time.
The Holdup Time is the amount of time in ms that output modules will hold their current state without any update by
a Modbus write command from Modbus Master. When the module hold-up time out expires, the outputs will be driven
to their defined fallback states.
a Modbus write command from Modbus Master. When the module hold-up time out expires, the outputs will be driven
to their defined fallback states.
2. Make sure that the physical installation of the island is correct and all the module and their backplane is properly
installed. Also make it very sure that you have correctly placed the termination module at the end of the island bus.
installed. Also make it very sure that you have correctly placed the termination module at the end of the island bus.
Released for:Schneider Electric India