Yes, it is possible to use multiplier setting to ensure that the motor Voltage reads 440 V instead of 415V on the HMI.
=>Program [ACCESS LEVEL] (LAC-) to Expert
=>Menu [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] => 7.1 User parameters =>Parameter selection => 1.2 Monitoring Menu=> select the “Motor Voltage”
=>Return to menu 7.1 User parameter => Customized selection =>Validate “Motor Voltage” =>Enter on “Motor Voltage”
=>on this menu it is possible to define customers data option ( User name, Unit, Multiplier, Divisor and Offset).
Program Following:--
User name :"MOTOR VOLTAGE"max 13 characters
Unit :"V" max 3 characters
Multiplier : "17"
Divisor : "16"
Offset : "0.00"
=>The customized parameter (MOTOR VOLTAGE) is now visible in the menu 1.2 Monitoring in the graphic keypad.
=>For example if the Motor Voltage = 415 V then you visualize MOTOR VOLTAGE = [(415 * 17) / 16] + 0 = 440 V instead of Motor Voltage = 415 V.
=>Program [ACCESS LEVEL] (LAC-) to Expert
=>Menu [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] => 7.1 User parameters =>Parameter selection => 1.2 Monitoring Menu=> select the “Motor Voltage”
=>Return to menu 7.1 User parameter => Customized selection =>Validate “Motor Voltage” =>Enter on “Motor Voltage”
=>on this menu it is possible to define customers data option ( User name, Unit, Multiplier, Divisor and Offset).
Program Following:--
User name :"MOTOR VOLTAGE"max 13 characters
Unit :"V" max 3 characters
Multiplier : "17"
Divisor : "16"
Offset : "0.00"
=>The customized parameter (MOTOR VOLTAGE) is now visible in the menu 1.2 Monitoring in the graphic keypad.
=>For example if the Motor Voltage = 415 V then you visualize MOTOR VOLTAGE = [(415 * 17) / 16] + 0 = 440 V instead of Motor Voltage = 415 V.
Released for:Schneider Electric India