If R3 is set to AIL, then R3 is activated only if OIL is set to ALA and If the motor current exceeds an adjustable threshold LOC for a period of time longer than an adjustable value tOL.
Example: ---
Relay r3 = AIL
OIL Activation of current overload = ALA
LOC Current overload threshold = 120% of the In (nominal motor current)
tOL Current overload time = 6 sec.
In =Nominal motor current = 30Amp
If the motor current exceeds an adjustable threshold LOC (120% of 30 = 36 Amp) for a period of time longer than an adjustable value tOL (6 sec) then R3 will be activated.
Example: ---
Relay r3 = AIL
OIL Activation of current overload = ALA
LOC Current overload threshold = 120% of the In (nominal motor current)
tOL Current overload time = 6 sec.
In =Nominal motor current = 30Amp
If the motor current exceeds an adjustable threshold LOC (120% of 30 = 36 Amp) for a period of time longer than an adjustable value tOL (6 sec) then R3 will be activated.
Released for:Schneider Electric India