For Auto-tuning use Parameter 318. It must be performed with the motor connected and in cold state.
Details of parameter are below.
318 ( Auto-tuning)
- 00 Use factory parameters for standard motors.
- 01 Launches auto-tuning
- 02 Auto-tuning has already been performed
Below caution should be taken:
•Auto-tuning must be performed with the motor connected and in cold state (motor should not be hot).
•The parameters Rated Motor Power 302 (page 52) and Rated motor current 305 (page 52) must be consistent.
•Auto-tuning is performed only if no stop command has been activated. If a freewheel stop or fast stop function has been assigned to a logic input, this input must be set to 1 (active at 0).
•Auto-tuning takes priority over any run or prefluxing commands, which will take effect after the auto-tuning sequence.
•Auto-tuning may last for 1 to 10 seconds. Do not interrupt. Wait for the display to change to 02
•Re-perform auto-tuning after motor cables are replaced to ensure effectiveness of motor control.
Details of parameter are below.
318 ( Auto-tuning)
- 00 Use factory parameters for standard motors.
- 01 Launches auto-tuning
- 02 Auto-tuning has already been performed
Below caution should be taken:
•Auto-tuning must be performed with the motor connected and in cold state (motor should not be hot).
•The parameters Rated Motor Power 302 (page 52) and Rated motor current 305 (page 52) must be consistent.
•Auto-tuning is performed only if no stop command has been activated. If a freewheel stop or fast stop function has been assigned to a logic input, this input must be set to 1 (active at 0).
•Auto-tuning takes priority over any run or prefluxing commands, which will take effect after the auto-tuning sequence.
•Auto-tuning may last for 1 to 10 seconds. Do not interrupt. Wait for the display to change to 02
•Re-perform auto-tuning after motor cables are replaced to ensure effectiveness of motor control.