Whenever network prospective current at the point of Altivar installation is greater than the value of max prospective current defined in Altivar catalog for dedicated drive, it is mandatory to add line choke.
ATV630..N4 drives have max Isc of 50kA, so for you network with SCCR 80 or 100kA you have to use line choke. With line choke you can be sure that max Isc at Altivar inputs will always be below 50kA, despite whatever high SCCR upstream the line choke.
ATV630..N4 drives have max Isc of 50kA, so for you network with SCCR 80 or 100kA you have to use line choke. With line choke you can be sure that max Isc at Altivar inputs will always be below 50kA, despite whatever high SCCR upstream the line choke.
Released for:Schneider Electric India