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What is the maximum number of BMXNOM0200 modules can be configured in each X80 drop and M580 Local rack.
The maximum number of BMXNOM0200 modules that can be configured in each X80 drop (with an X80 performance EIO adapter module BMXCRA31210 or BMECRA31210) follow the following rules:

a) If CPU OS <=2.40 then maximum 4 NOM can be installed on per X80 drop and there is no limitation of master channel, all can be a master.

b)If CPU OS > 2.40 then maximum 6 NOM can be installed on per X80 drop and there is no limitation of master channel, all can be master.

The maximum number of BMXNOM0200 modules that can be configured in M580 local racks (that is local and extended local racks) is linked to:

- The maximum number of expert channels allowed in local configuration. Refer attached document i.e. "Performance Characteristics" for the details of maximum supported expert channels depending on CPU model.
- The number of expert channels already configured.
- The number of channel configured on each BMXNOM0200 modules.

Schneider Electric India

Performance Characteristics.pdf [363.43 KB]
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