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What is the details of error code "0x8C0F0000" in MiCOM P142

Please find the description of the error "0x8C0F0000"

"The error code is related to the main sampling buffer.
When the relay samples a new set of analogue channels it puts the data in a 2 cycle buffer.
This is done in an interrupt. Later the protection task runs and extracts data from the buffer, thus free up space for new samples.
This maintenance occurs if the buffer becomes full, i.e. samples are put in faster than they are removed.
The maintenance error and reboot clears out the buffer and allows the protection to restart.
The relay runs a multitask operating system which switches tasks in and out.
The sampling interrupt is one of the highest priority tasks and will always run, the protection task is also high priority but not the highest.
Another task may have run for longer than expected preventing the protection task from running."

Schneider Electric India

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