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How to Choose IT Rack Power Distribution

One of the challenges associated with data center rack power distribution units (rPDUs) is determining which to choose among the wide array of offerings. In most cases, there are so many to choose from (100-700 models) that vendors must provide elaborate product selectors to narrow down the choices. Other challenges include maintaining system availability and supporting higher density equipment. Once a rack PDU is selected, IT administrators wonder if it will support the next generation of IT equipment, in terms of power capacity, electrical plug type(s), and plug quantity. From supporting small IT loads to extreme high density loads like AI training models, this paper recommends and describes five steps for selecting appropriate IT rack power distribution.

Data: 19 gennaio 2024 | Tipo: White paper
Lingue: Inglese | Versione: V2
Documenti di Riferimento: SPD_VAVR-9G4N7C_EN


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