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FAQ 검색
How to Modify the Meter Configuration Report in ION Setup?

You can modify and choose to show less or more information about the meter's configuration.

Product Line:
ION Setup 3.0

ION Setup 3.0

The Meter Configuration Report in ION Setup is useful to find out various settings in ION Setup. The report has predetermined parameters.
An example excerpt from a Meter Configuration Report is shown below:

Meter configuration report

There is a line in the QuickIon.cfg file which can be modified to display more or less information about the meter's configuration.

The QuickIon.cfg file is specific for each meter type and can be found using Windows Explorer at the Program Directory for ION Setup.

1) Tools>Options

Ion Setup - Tools

2) Navigate the to the Program Directory ...ION Setup\Tables\


3) Open the folder for the Meter type and Display

Feature Set

4) Open the QuickIon.cfg file in a text editor such as Notepad.

The PrintList line in the QuickIon.cfg file is near the top and looks like the following:


The numbers following the PrintList command define which screens and tabs in the Setup Assistant that will be copied into the Configuration Report.

Each number corresponds to an Assistant#, starting from Assistant1=Template, Assistant2=Basic Setup and so on... (these are defined in the QuickIon.cfg file itself)

Understanding the Syntax
  1. Convert the decimal number to binary format.

    7=111  (format=Bit3Bit2Bit1)
  2. Parse this binary number out to know which Tabs for that Screen will get printed.

    Bit1 (LSB) = 1 means that Tab1 will get printed.
    Bit2 = 1 means that Tab 2 will get printed.
    Bit3 = 1 means that Tab 3 will get printed.

    0 would mean that no tabs get printed for this screen.

Display the fourth tab (Register Edit) in the first screen (Template)

Binary: 1000
Decimal: 8
New PrintList line:

New Meter Configuration Report:

Meter configuration report

NOTE: Sometimes the QuickIon.cfg from the Version 2.0 Default folder will need to be changed, instead of the file from the specific Feature Set A folder

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