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FAQ 검색
What is the Data Quality Module (VEE) for PME/PSE?
What is the Data Quality Module (VEE) used for in PME/PSE

Product Line
Data Quality Module (VEE)

Power Monitoring Expert 8.1 or later
PowerSCADA Expert 8.1 or later

Analytics and entry of energy data as a result of datagaps within a database, meter rollover, resets and jitters.

The Data Quality add-on module for StruxureWare power management platforms provides fully integrated Validation, Estimation and Editing (also known as VEE) that allows full quality control of logged system data.

• Interpolation of missing interval and cumulative data
• Identification of data gaps
• Identification of rollovers and resets
• Provide Automatic Analysis and Recommendations
• Color key indicators to quickly identify pertinent data
• Zoom-and-pan feature for closer inspection of data
• Security-locked to limit data correction and log access to Administrators
• Detailed data logs to audit track data corrections
• Rollback of modified data with a click

Able to be quoted/ordered in Stratus: 9789PMEDQM

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일
4.14 Data Quality Module.pptx [1.53 MB]
Data Quality Module Print.pdf [429.56 KB]
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