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FAQ 검색

What is the Power/Heat dissipation of SP334E?

SCADAPack 334E power consumption in the worst case is about 4.9W (4.5 + 0.3 + 0.020*24*2) with Analog outputs drawing full current.

Approximately 100% of the RTU's power consumption is converted into heat energy (a small amount will be converted into light energy rather than heat energy due to LEDs).

So the RTU outputs a little under 5 W of heat energy. This doesn't include the heat output of other devices or the external power supply that is providing power to the RTU.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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SCADAPack 300, 32SCADAPack 300ESCADAPack 500ESCADAPack 50
자세히 알아보기
SCADAPack 300, 32SCADAPack 300ESCADAPack 500ESCADAPack 50