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FAQ 검색

PME2021 Web Apps - Registration Page Loading Issue

Issue Description: Users are encountering a problem where the registration page in Power Monitoring Expert (PME) 2021 does not load correctly.

Root Cause: This issue is caused by incompatibility with recent browser updates. The HTML syntax employed in PME2021's registration page is outdated and not supported by the latest versions of browsers like Chrome, which have implemented new security standards. This issue is specific to PME2021 and does not affect subsequent versions.


  1. Locate the Template File: Go to the installation folder of PME2021, typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\Applications\ApplicationFramework\Content\Configuration\CustomerRegistration.
  2. Replace the HTML Template: Find the file named CustomerRegistration.Web.Template.html in this directory. Substitute this file with the updated version attached below.
  3. Restart the Application: To ensure the changes are applied, restart the PME2021 application.

Applicable Versions: This solution is relevant only for Power Monitoring Expert (PME) 2021.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일

CustomerRegistration.Web.Template.htmlCustomerRegistration.Web.Template.html [8.04 KB]
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