Vijeo Citect modbus driver has a default mechanism of block read by default. Whereas OTB modules modbus address range for inputs is 0-99
and for output is 100-199 . Also OTB allocates modbus registers only when cards are used else they will remain reserved. Due to this behavior
of module when citect performs a default block read, communication fails with variables showing #BAD on graphics page.
To overcome this issue add "G" as a prefix to modbus addresses to force citect perform single read requests rather than block read.
For example using modbus address as G40100, G40101 etc for variables in vijeo citect.
and for output is 100-199 . Also OTB allocates modbus registers only when cards are used else they will remain reserved. Due to this behavior
of module when citect performs a default block read, communication fails with variables showing #BAD on graphics page.
To overcome this issue add "G" as a prefix to modbus addresses to force citect perform single read requests rather than block read.
For example using modbus address as G40100, G40101 etc for variables in vijeo citect.
Released for:Schneider Electric Malaysia