Product Line
Windows 10
The purpose of this document is to share the available options for Managing Active Data in a MODICON Unity PAC.
These include how to prevent the Loss of Data and avoid Process Downtime during PAC Application Maintenance.
These include how to prevent the Loss of Data and avoid Process Downtime during PAC Application Maintenance.
Product Line
Windows 10
Examples of the types of Data that are most often ‘At Risk Data’ include:
Locating this ‘At Risk Data’ (@ %M/%MW) will enable the most effective options for Data Recovery and is the recommended method. There are many situations that can lead to the Loss of Data, some are:
There are Project Settings that should be used to limit the user’s ability to perform ‘Accidental’ mistakes:
Recovery from PAC Hardware Failures and Applications Faults will be the most challenging. These can happen at any time and if recovery of Active Data is Critical then it is necessary to engineer Disaster Recovery into the system. MDT AutoSave with Scheduled Compare and Backups can reduce the impact of Data Loss to the frequency of the Schedule. The impact on network communications should be evaluated. Unity Loader can provide a solution. Scripting of Unity Loader commands can be used to periodically create a ‘.DAT’ data file of the PAC Located and Unlocated Data. However, these ‘.DAT’ files can be useless for Unlocated Data if any type of Build is used before loading of the replacement PAC. This leaves protecting the Data during the process of PAC Application modifications requiring Off-Line Builds to be addressed. There is only one method to insure that the Data in the PAC will be the exact Data that was present in the PAC prior to the required Full Download. This procedure is:
This procedure may not restore any or all Unlocated Data to its previous value. There is also another method and procedure that can help to avoid the Loss of Critical Active Data in a MODICON PAC. This is an inherent feature of the Unity OS.
Released for:Schneider Electric Malaysia