Process task variables whose nature column has the private attribute, exported as an xsy file, will continue to retain their private attribute in the XSY file. And since Control Expert, there is no functionality to remove this information in the xsy export file. The presence of this private attribute in the nature column of certain variables causes the import of the xsy file to fail in supervisions such as KEP or EATON? Until these manufacturers can update their system to allow the import of xsy files from PLC SAfety into their supervisions, please use this workaround that follows:
This cmd file is attachted.
This cmd file will allow you to correct the xsy file. To do this, you will need to pass the xsy file to be patched as a parameter. So it will make a backup of the XSY file in .sav before patching it.
Attached is the screenshot that shows how to run it from the command prompt.

Note: The XSY file resulting from the patch operation will overwrite the old one.
Product Line
BME H58 2040S, BME H58 4040S, BME H58 6040S, BME P58 2040S, BME P58 4040S, BME P58 6040S
Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (version 21H1 or newer), Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit Enterprise 2019 LTSC (version 1809), Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (standard 1809 version), Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (version 21H1 or newer), Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (version 21H1 or newer), EcoStruxure Control Expert V15.3
Process task variables whose nature column has the private attribute, exported as an xsy file, will continue to retain their private attribute in the XSY file. And since Control Expert, there is no functionality to remove this information in the xsy export file. The presence of this private attribute in the nature column of certain variables causes the import of the xsy file to fail in supervisions such as KEP or EATON? Until these manufacturers can update their system to allow the import of xsy files from PLC SAfety into their supervisions, please use this workaround that follows:
This cmd file is attachted.
This cmd file will allow you to correct the xsy file. To do this, you will need to pass the xsy file to be patched as a parameter. So it will make a backup of the XSY file in .sav before patching it.
Attached is the screenshot that shows how to run it from the command prompt.
Note: The XSY file resulting from the patch operation will overwrite the old one.
Product Line
BME H58 2040S, BME H58 4040S, BME H58 6040S, BME P58 2040S, BME P58 4040S, BME P58 6040S
Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (version 21H1 or newer), Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit Enterprise 2019 LTSC (version 1809), Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (standard 1809 version), Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (version 21H1 or newer), Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (version 21H1 or newer), EcoStruxure Control Expert V15.3
Released for:Schneider Electric Malaysia