Our GV2 and GV3 thermal-magnetic circuit breakers have a temperature compensation system.
This system allows retaining the thermal tripping level when the ambient temperature is from -20° to 60°C for the open offer and from -20°C to +40 °C for the enclosed offer.
For a GV2 or GV3 installed as an “open” device, meaning mounted in a larger industrial control panel along with other devices, they are rated for 60 °C. This means the ambient air around the device can be up to 60 °C. They can be installed at an ambient temperature of up to 70 °C if derated by 1% for each 1 °C increment above 60 °C.
For an enclosed GV2 or GV3, meaning purchased already mounted within the enclosure and intended to be the only device within that enclosure they are rated for 40 °C. This ambient refers to the temperature outside of the enclosure. These can be installed in an ambient temperature of up to 50 °C if derated by 1% for each 1 °C increment above 40 °C.
In either case, you can not exceed a temperature above 70°C for open-mounted and 50 °C for enclosure mounted.
Released for:Schneider Electric New Zealand