What is the clock speed of M340 processor?
The all M340 processors are from ARM9 family and the core processor is a 32 bits processor. Its speed is 180MHz except for BMXP341000
The speed of BMXP341000 is 110 MHz..
BMXP341000 runs 4.8 Kint/ms (100% boolean) or 4.4 Kint/ms (65% boolean and 35% arithmetic).
BMXP342010, BMXP342020, BMXP342030 run 7.1 Kint/ms (100% boolean) or 6.7 Kint/ms (65% boolean and 35% arithmetic).
What is the clock speed of M340 processor?
The all M340 processors are from ARM9 family and the core processor is a 32 bits processor. Its speed is 180MHz except for BMXP341000
The speed of BMXP341000 is 110 MHz..
BMXP341000 runs 4.8 Kint/ms (100% boolean) or 4.4 Kint/ms (65% boolean and 35% arithmetic).
BMXP342010, BMXP342020, BMXP342030 run 7.1 Kint/ms (100% boolean) or 6.7 Kint/ms (65% boolean and 35% arithmetic).
Released for:Schneider Electric New Zealand