In the projects based on the Situational Awareness (SA) library, including the ExampleSA there is no Alarm Summary page as it is with other non SA projects. Also, there is no SA style Summary template available.
Citect Scada 2018
Citect Scada 2018 R2
In the projects based on the Situational Awareness (SA) library, including the ExampleSA there is no Alarm Summary page as it is with other non SA projects. Also, there is no SA style Summary template available.
This issue has been raised an as enhancement request. As a workaround, the following steps demonstrate how to add an Alarm Summary Page within ExampleSA project.
1. Create a Summary page in Graphics builder:
- In the Graphics builder, select File > Open; Project: ExampleSA, Page: DefaultSOE_HD1080
- Go to page properties and change ‘on page entry’ event from: AlarmPage_Init(AlarmPage_GetDefaultParameters("HD1080"), "HD1080", 15) to AlarmPage_Init(AlarmPage_GetDefaultParameters("HD1080"), "HD1080", 10)
- 'Save As’ DefaultSummary_HD1080 (i.e just replace SOE with ‘Summary’)
2. Edit Menu configuration:
- Goto Citect studio|Visualization [Menu Configuration]
- Add a line by copy pasting the properties for Historical Events(i.e Row# 19)
- Change the entry in "Level1" column from "Historical Event" to "Summary" and "TargetPage" column from ""DefaultSOE" to "DefaultSummary)"
3. Add navigation button in Master Page’s headerbar:
- In the Graphics builder, open page "DefaultHeaderbar_HD1080" within SA_Include project
- Copy any of the Alarm button, for instance Active Alarms button and paste it at a suitable spot on the headerbar
- Double click on the new button and change the OnClickFunction from Headerbar_RunMenuCommand("Active Alarms") to Headerbar_RunMenuCommand("Summary")
4. Edit format fields for the Summary page (Optional):
- You may edit the display format for the Alarm summary page by adding corresponding fields either in the Setup activity|Alarming [Alarm category] Summary Format properties or by adding the ini parameter for [Alarm]DefSumFmt or [Format]Summary.
5. Compile, save and run. Click the newly created button, it will navigate you to the Alarm Summary page.
There is just one limitation that the page title for the Alarm Summary page and the tooltip for the button created cannot be changed, as it is linked to the back end Cicode defined within the SA project. This will be addressed in future releases.
Released for:Schneider Electric New Zealand