Product Line
Power Monitoring Expert 2020
Web Application - Alarms - Tolerance Chart ITIC/CBEMA
The tolerance chart for a PQ event in Alarms is plotted wrong.
The x-axis has a wrong sequence and the event is plotted in the wrong place according to the graph x-axis.
The x-axis sequence in the graph is displayed as 1 MC - 100 MC - 10 MC - 1000 MC
The value plotted is 429 MC in the image.
Steps to Reproduce the Issue /Investigation
1 - Change the Web App language to Russian
2 - Select a PQ event from the Alarm and double click
3 - Click on Tolerance Chart
The x-axis sequence in the graph in the English language is: 1 μs - 100 μs - 10 ms - 1000 ms
Root Cause
PME translated microseconds in the same way as milliseconds "мс".
Troubleshooting/Proposed Solution
1) Backup PME databases
2) Run the following query in SSMS
Update [ApplicationModules].[Internationalization].[LocalizedStrings]
Set LocalizedValue = '{0} μs'
where LanguageSpecifier = 'ru' and ResourceKeyname = 'Time_Units_microsecond_1'
3) Refresh Web Application
Additional Notes
This issue has been fixed in PME 2021.
Released for:Schneider Electric New Zealand