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Creating an Aggregate Device within the KVM Access Software


How to create an aggregate device within the KVM Access Management Software and why it may be suggested to do so.

Product Line

KVM Switches
  • KVM Access Software (ships with KVMXXXX Digital IP KVMs)
  • KVM1116P
  • KVM2116P
  • KVM2132P

  • Users wishing to consolidate nodes within their KVM Access Software
  • All software versions


Aggregate devices can be created when a device (router, server, ethernet switch, etc.,) managed through KVM Access is capable of being accessed through several devices’ ports. By consolidating those ports into a single Aggregate Device, the Aggregate Device counts as a single node, and only requires a single license.

In the case of utilizing Rack PDU Power Integration, creating an aggregate device allows the end user to tie a PDU port/outlet and a KVM port together, making it easier for the end user to manage power to that specific server without having to guess at what PDU ports are tied to what KVM ports.

The purpose behind the aggregate device is to allow an end user to tie devices together to make for ease of management through the Access Software.  When a user needs to shut down a specific server remotely they don't have to navigate through different screens to do the necessary power down, they can just access that specific aggregate device, shut down those PDU ports and they are done.

Example: I have 300 node license but have 300 servers and 600 PDU ports/outlets for a total of 900 total target devices, (servers and PDU ports). Each server has a dual power supply so in full, I would need to purchase a 900 node license to cover all these ports. By creating an aggregate device, I can put in (2) KVM ports and (4) PDU ports/outlets together in each aggregate device effectively creating 150 nodes in total. By doing this, I am decreasing the amount of nodes I need to cover my entire environment.


Refer to the instructions and steps below in order to successfully create an aggregate device within the KVM Access Software.

How to Create an Aggregate Device

1.) Within KVM Access, navigate to the Device Management section.

2.) In the Devices menu, select <--Add--> and choose Aggregate Device.

3.) Fill in the fields on the Add Aggregate Device Page, according to the notes below:

Auto Detect

If you are adding one of the specifically mentioned Aggregate Device Model Types and enable Auto Detect, KVM Access will check if the device is online.
Note: Only a user with administrator privileges can enable this function.

Detect Interval

Set the detect interval by entering a value in seconds. This is how often the system automatically checks that the Aggregate Device is online.


Key in the Aggregate Device's IP address. Click Test Connection to confirm that the IP has been correctly detected.

Connect Method

Select either SSH or Telnet from the drop down menu.


Key in the access port used to connect to it (via browser). The default SSH port is 22; Telnet is 23.


Key in a username and password that will be required to access the Aggregate Device.

Login name field/password field

Key in the information so that the KVM Access knows where to put the login name and password information under certain single sign on situations.


The amount of time to wait for a connection request to complete before canceling the request.

ServerSelect the KVM Access unit that the Aggregate Device server is connected under.

4.) In the Configure Device Properties page, provide a name to identify the aggregate device in the Name field.

5.) Optional:
Provide a further description, department, location and/or type lists and click on the one(s) you want the Aggregate Device to belong to. Provide any additional information in the Contact Information field.

6.) Set the Power Control Options as outlined below:

  • Click the box to enable confirmation for power operation
  • Click the box to enable delay for power operation, and set the power on/power off delay field in seconds.

    Note: If the device does not support this function, the option will not work.
7.) When finished with this page, click Next. The Configure Network Connectivity page comes up.

8.) Fill in the fields according to the information in the table below:
Network Information

Select network: If the server for the aggregate device only has one network interface, select Primary, then move on to configure the remaining fields. If it has more than one network interface, after you finish configuring the Primary one, come back to choose the additional ones and configure each of them in turn.
Name: For convenience, each of the network interfaces can be named.
IP Address: Enter the Aggregate Device's IP address here.
Access Type: Use the drop down list to select the access type. The choices are Generic, Dell DRAC 5, Dell iDRAC 6, HP iLO2, and IBM RSAII. Only the Generic option supports VNC and RDP connectivity.
Server: Select the KVM Access unit that the Aggregate Device server is connected under.

Web SessionURL: To access the Aggregate Device server via the web, key in the URL that will bring up its management page.
Enable SSO: Check this box to enable single sign on functionality, and then select which credentials to use.
  • Select Use login user credentials to use the same account username and password as the KVM Access user account.
  • Select Use following credentials and enter new credentials in the fields below.
Login name, password: Fill in these fields according to the Aggregate Device server's authentication and authorization procedures.
Login name field/password fieldKey in the information so that the KVM Access knows where to put the login name and password information under certain single sign on situations
SSH/Telnet SessionIP Address, Login name, Password, SSH/Telnet port: To access the Aggregate Device server via an SSH/telnet session, key in the appropriate information into these fields according to the Aggregate Device server's authentication and authorization procedures.
Note: An SSH session also requires entering login string information.
VNC SessionPort: Enter the port number for the VNC session
Enable SSO: Check this box to enable single sign on functionality, and then enter View only and Full control passwords.
RDP SessionRDP Port: Enter the port number for the VNC session.
Enable SSO: Check this box to enable single sign on functionality, and then select which credentials to use.
  • Select Use login user credentials to use the same account username and password as the KVM Access user account.
  • Select Use following credentials and enter new credentials in the fields below.
SPM (Service Processor Management)SPM Method: Select from the drop down menu. Options are IPMI, Dell DRAC 5, Dell iDRAC 6, HP iLO2, or IBM RSA II.
Port: Enter the port number for the SPM session
Login name, password: Fill in these fields according to the SPM server's authentication authorization procedures.
Timeout: Set the amount of time to wait for a connection request to complete before canceling the request.

Adding Ports to an Aggregate Device

1.) Select your Aggregate Device in the Device List or Sidebar. The Port List page comes up.

2.) Click Add (at the top right of the panel). The Add Ports page appears and lists all the available ports that can be added.

3.) You can combine any of the ports that are listed on the page in the Aggregate Device. Put a check in the checkbox in front of the ports that you want, then click Save.

4.) If a port is already part of another aggregate or group device, a dialog box appears to notify you that it will be removed from the original device when added to this aggregate device and asks you to confirm that this is what you want to do. Click OK to accept the change or Cancel to abort.

5.) When you return to the Port List page, the selected ports are automatically unlocked and are listed as being associated with the Aggregate Device. The ports are also nested under the Aggregate Device in the Sidebar.


1. A port that has been made part of an aggregate device can only be used with that device. It cannot be assigned to any other device without being removed from the aggregate device.

2. Once a port has been made part of an aggregate device, it is no longer treated as an individual port, and cannot be locked or unlocked manually. If at some point you want to treat this port as a physical port, or add it to a group device you must first delete it from the aggregate device.

Additional Notes and FYIs:

For a blade server: The server itself and every blade in it has to count. For example: Dell M1000e + 16 blades = 17 nodes

But if the individual blade has connection to KVM Access directly, then the total nodes of KVM Port/Power Port will be reduced as the connection adds, but there are the following rules:

  • KVM port numbers can not be greater than 1.
  • Power port numbers can not be greater than 6.
  • Serial port numbers can not be greater than 1.
All connection to KVM Access in the Aggregate Only section count as one node. The following rules need to be taken into account:
  • KVM port numbers can not be greater than 2.
  • Power port numbers can not be greater than 8.
  • Serial port numbers can not be greater than 4.
In the case of the Dell M1000e, you cannot add the whole Blade Server, but you can add individual blades.

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