Motor audible noise at a certain speed and causes vibrations of the motor with ATV31 and ATV12.
Product Line:
ATV11, ATV31, ATV12, ATV312
Motor noise
Here are some advice which could help.
We obtained good results with ATV11 and jogging machine with motor noise problem (mechanical resonance caused by the motor).
Actually, it's necessary to reduce the motor voltage with some motors.
For that, increase FrS to change the U/f ratio and keep UNS=nominal motor voltage.
Start with a quite high value of FrS (HSP value for instance) and decrease FrS to find the minimum value with an acceptable noise level at the critical speed.
After that and in case of not enough torque because of less motor voltage, you can decrease COS (nominal COS minus 0,1 to 0,2) to increase the field current in the motor. You'll increase the torque.
It should also help to have a more dynamic speed loop by increasing FLG and decreasing STA.
Suggest to set the Noise reduction to yes. This parameter randomly modulates the switching frequency in order to reduce audible motor noise.
Switching Frequency -Increasing may reduce noise, but increase heat generated by the drive
ATV31/ATV312: try with SrF=yes (speed loop filter suppressed).
ATV31/ATV312: See the programming manual for autotune possibilities.
ATV31/ATV312: If the noise seems to be caused by the output switching frequency of the motor voltage, a new software version which will improve the switching frequency management should be available around september/october 2004.
Suggest to set the Noise reduction to yes. This parameter randomly modulates the switching frequency in order to reduce audible motor noise.
Switching Frequency -Increasing may reduce noise, but increase heat generated by the drive)
Advice also the customer to use mechanical joints (silent block) between the motor and the frame of the machine. It will help to suppress low frequency vibrations.
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia