What is the part number for a NEMA 3R enclosure for a Class 2510 Type KO manual switch?
Product Line:
NEMA and Definite Purpose Contactors and Starters
Products sold and used in the United States
9991KE3 for the type KO1 KO2 KO5 and KO6 switch.
There is not a NEMA 3R enclosure for the KO3 and KO4.
What is the part number for a NEMA 3R enclosure for a Class 2510 Type KO manual switch?
Product Line:
NEMA and Definite Purpose Contactors and Starters
Products sold and used in the United States
9991KE3 for the type KO1 KO2 KO5 and KO6 switch.
There is not a NEMA 3R enclosure for the KO3 and KO4.