When trying to commission the M580 ERIO using BM*CRA312*0 modules, they will not communicate.
Product line
Unity Pro, Modicon M580
One very common reason is that the incorrect CRA adapter was selected in the Unity Project. Make sure that not only the part number matches between the hardware and project but also the firmware revision.
The next top reason is the switch settings. The switches can be finicky. Try rotating a full 360 to 0 then counting indents.
If you have been altering module Ip addresses to match your network, create a scratch configuration and just map the CRAs using default addresses and test with that project to distinguish between a hardware or software issue. All that you need configure is the CPU and CRA modules, nothing else.
When trying to commission the M580 ERIO using BM*CRA312*0 modules, they will not communicate.
Product line
Unity Pro, Modicon M580
One very common reason is that the incorrect CRA adapter was selected in the Unity Project. Make sure that not only the part number matches between the hardware and project but also the firmware revision.
The next top reason is the switch settings. The switches can be finicky. Try rotating a full 360 to 0 then counting indents.
If you have been altering module Ip addresses to match your network, create a scratch configuration and just map the CRAs using default addresses and test with that project to distinguish between a hardware or software issue. All that you need configure is the CPU and CRA modules, nothing else.
Released for:Schneider Electric Canada