Does LUB32NR and LUB32 have the same amparege and horse power rating?
Product line:
IEC Contactors and Starters
TeSys U motor starter
LUB32NR is nema rated as compared to LUB32 which is IEC rated. Both ratings have different test standards. LUB32NR has a lower maximum current and hp rating compared to the old LUB32.
Does LUB32NR and LUB32 have the same amparege and horse power rating?
Product line:
IEC Contactors and Starters
TeSys U motor starter
LUB32NR is nema rated as compared to LUB32 which is IEC rated. Both ratings have different test standards. LUB32NR has a lower maximum current and hp rating compared to the old LUB32.