Solid state overload relay forms on starters
Product Line:
Full Voltage Contactors, Starters, and Overload Relays
Factory Modifications (Forms)
Default range on a particular size is represented by H30. Customer can pick a different solid state overload relay that is factory-assembled by using a different H30* code. Please see table for reference.
8536SCO3V02H30S - a size 1 starter with a default solid state overload relay range of 9-27A
8536SCO3V02H308S - size 1 starter with a solid state overload relay with a range of 1.5-4.5A
Solid state overload relay forms on starters
Product Line:
Full Voltage Contactors, Starters, and Overload Relays
Factory Modifications (Forms)
Default range on a particular size is represented by H30. Customer can pick a different solid state overload relay that is factory-assembled by using a different H30* code. Please see table for reference.
8536SCO3V02H30S - a size 1 starter with a default solid state overload relay range of 9-27A
8536SCO3V02H308S - size 1 starter with a solid state overload relay with a range of 1.5-4.5A