My transmitter comes with a label that states "Do not interchange display with other sensors", or "Do not install display on a different unit. This display is for 4012 and 4032s only" or "This display is for 4102 and 4203s only" How come I can no longer swap displays on my transmitters?Environment
4000 Series Transmitters, SCADASense TransmittersSolution
The original Invensys displays used by the 4000 Series product line have been discontinued. Investigation into the new displays found that modifications to the new Invensys displays were necessary when the displays were used with a 4299 SI (Sensor Interface) board. The displays must be unmodified to function with an Invensys SI board.Problems will arise if you try to connect an incorrect display to a 4000 Series Transmitter which is why we discourage swapping displays among transmitters.
- Original Invensys displays with TRSS part number TBUM298016 will continue to work on all 4000 Series Transmitters
- New Invensys Displays with TRSS part number TBUM298020 will work on all transmitters that contain an Invensys SI board (4012, 4032, 4202 and older 4102s built before October 2006)
- New Invensys Displays with TRSS part number TBUM298021 or TBUM298022 will work on all transmitters that contain a 4299 SI board (4203 and 4102s built after October 2006)
To determine if you have a 4299 SI board or an Inversys SI board, open the 4000 Series Configuration Software, find the transmitter then check Status/Information.
Transmitters with a 4299 SI board will have a Sensor Software Version greater than 5.
What can I expect if I have the wrong display on my transmitter?
If you have a 4299 display connected to an Invensys SI board, the display will go blank shortly after power up. Cycling power to the transmitter will bring back the display, but only for a short while. With the display out, the transmitter will continue to read valid data that will be accessible via polling.If you have an Invensys display connected to a 4299 SI board, it will create invalid sensor readings (e.g. static pressure readings of 250,000 PSI. These invalid readings will also be reported to the flow computer or any other device polling the transmitter. Removing the display from the transmitter should allow the transmitter to read normal values again.
How can I tell the displays apart?
You can visually differentiate between the old and new style displays by looking at the back of the display (see attached pictures below). The PCB fills the display casing with the old style displays, and is more rectangular with the new style displays. The old style displays will work with any 4000 series product. The new style displays will flash a version string at power up like *LCDAT* .
During the transition, a small number of new boards were modified with one of the connector pins cut for transmitters with the 4299 SI Board.
Original Style Display
Short Term Display (removed pin circled in red)
New Style Display
Transmitters with the Invensys SI board can work with:
- Original style display
- New style display with version string *LCDAT* , *LCDAU* or *LCDAV*
Transmitters with the 4299 SI board can work with:
- Original style display
- New style display with version string *LCDAW*
- New style display with cut pin and version string *LCDAT* , *LCDAU* or *LCDAV*
Udgivet til:Schneider Electric Danmark