Current Versions of Base Radios
- All models of BR20 (Din Rail mounted) base radios are equipped with ModBUS.
- Current model numbers of the BR10 (NEMA 4X enclosure) TBUABR10-xxxxxxx are equipped with ModBUS.
Previous Versions
Model AC-BR10 (similar to the current TBUARBR10 models)
BR10 with ModBUS would have a model number similar to AC-BR10-TX21N00, where the 1 indicates ModBUS is available. A model number similar to AC-BR10-TX20N00, with a zero, would indicate no ModBUS capabilities are available on this model.Model WI-BR (similar to the current TBUARBR10 models)
A different model number scheme was used when Adaptive Wireless had the Accutech product line.
A model number such as WI-BR-I-XP-MOD would have been enabled with ModBUS. A model number that does NOT have -MOD may or may not have ModBUS.
If -MOD is not listed in the model number, you will then need to have a look at the circuit boards inside the base radio. A WI-BR with three boards would have ModBUS, whereas there would be no ModBUS capabilities if only two boards were present.
WI-BR with ModBUS (3 boards present)
WI-BR without ModBUS (2 boards present)
If you have a Base Radio without Modbus and wish to enable it, the upgrade would be more expensive than purchasing a new radio. It is not a cost-effective upgrade and can not be performed.
Udgivet til:Schneider Electric Danmark