Where do I find the Magelis HMIG5U2 (Windows Embedded Standard) OS Image?
Product Line
Magelis HMIGTU Series
The Magelis HMIG5U2 OS Image can be found attached to this FAQ:
HMIG5U2 BIN Image file (7.3GB): HMIG5U2_V400_20190227.bin
-> This is attached as 8 separate 7-zip files ("HMIG5U2_V400_20190227.7z.001" through to "HMIG5U2_V400_20190227.7z.008"). You will need the 7-zip extraction tool from to extract the .BIN file.
Backup Recovery Tool v1.0.4.2 (3MB): BackupRecovery.exe
MD5 Hash (of the .exe): db3b62d9428c07decd06680cd4fada36
-> This is attached as "" (a regular zip file that you can doubleclick on to open in Windows to extract it)
How to extract the .BIN file from the eight 7z files:
All the files are downloaded into the C:\HMIG5U2_v400\ folder here.
Open the folder in 7-zip, then double-click the HMIG5U2_V400_20190227.7z.001 file (green arrow):
That will reveal the .BIN file, where you can drag and drop it into a folder of your choice:
Note: This .BIN image file is not the same as for the older generation HMIG5U.
Udgivet til:Schneider Electric Danmark