RealFLO Modbus registers require a word order of “High byte/High word first”. When running a RealFLO flow computer in a SCADAPack x70 controller, the user must ensure that this is set correctly.
The following screen shots (from Remote Connect) show the proper settings for setting the RealFLO Modbus Registers word order.
1. Ensure that the ‘Realflo Flow Computer’ box is checked in the ‘Project Settings’ dialog
2. Ensure that the word order is set properly in the Modbus | Master/Client | FlowComputer dialog. The correct setting is 'High byte/High word first'.
3. Ensure the word order is set properly in the Modus | SlaveServer dialog. The correct setting is 'High byte/High word first'.
With the above settings in place, the modbus registers that contain the flow computer data will display the data correctly.