Use Case: How to convert Prisma project into PrismaSet Active in Rapsody
- While Saving any project with PrismaSet Active Switchboard all other Switchboard will automatically convert From Prisma to PrismaSet Active. Hence, Please keep a backup of Old project if it will required for future reference.
- Please follow the Step11 after changing the wireless server panel to match the size of wireless server cubicle.
- Install EBPR V2.3.x (PrismaSet Active versions)
- Launch application & Register if not done previously
- If Price date is not 01/10/2021, to emulate final version behavior, please load the price list with accurate date through Tools Menu -> Update Prices.
Step1: Launch Rapsody software and select the option "Open an existing project" to open the old project.

Step2: Update Price and Project
Two methods depending if your version of Ecostruxure Power Build – Rapsody has an updated price list.
Step2-a: If you get the below message after loading the existing project, Click Yes and continue from step6
If you get the below message after loading the existing project, Click Yes and continue from step6

Step3: After Step1, if you see the below message after loading the existing project, Click OK

Step4: Go to Tools Menu and select Update Prices from dropdown

Step5: Click on Cancel and then Yes
Step5.a: If user doesn't have updated Pricelist, can get from country and install into the application.

Step6: Updated Prices & references will be shown, if there is any yellow warning, Click on Close and correct the warnings from Product Choice tab as mentioned below
Through control to be performed by User. This update provides only information and requires user’s complete review of each warnings.
Green (Tick Sign): Refence Id is updated in Catalog and soft of the country.
Yellow (Warring Sign): catalog evolution requires manual update
Red (Cross sign): The Reference Id has changes and there is a replacement ref id of old ID. Pay special attention to substitution especially on Electrical devices; Using Functional names help to differentiate electrical devices from cubicles, functional units and cubicles

If there is Yellow warning on Updated Prices & References as shown above, these references will be tagged with <!> in Product Choice tab (below screenshot).
Users can retrieve these references and re-play the model to correct the issue in Product Choice tab
Also, these yellow references will show prices as 0 (zero).

Step7: Once the Project updated, Go to Switchboard Design Tab and click on Front View and you should be able to see the Prisma project converted to Prismaset Active along with latest NSX circuit breaker and wireless server.
Note: If you encounter some small glitches on the front view, send back all elements to bench, go to Step by Step, install first enclosure, then install devices.


Step8: To Move Wireless server from one Column to another Column, Select the required cabinet and right click and select the option as ‘Modify’.

Step9: Select the option as ‘With + Wireless Panel server’ from ‘Green Roof’ section and click on ‘OK’ button.

Step10: To Verify it, We can see the Ref id end with D (For Example:- ) and Wireless Server should be on top of another column.

Step11: Open the Model of side panel, you have to match the size of wireless server cubicle get the correct BOM.
Step2: Update Price and Project
Two methods depending if your version of Ecostruxure Power Build – Rapsody has an updated price list.
- Price list updated to current date: direct proposal to update the project
- Price list not yet updated: trigger manually the update by simulating or loading a proper list price
Step2-a: If you get the below message after loading the existing project, Click Yes and continue from step6
If you get the below message after loading the existing project, Click Yes and continue from step6
Step3: After Step1, if you see the below message after loading the existing project, Click OK
Step4: Go to Tools Menu and select Update Prices from dropdown
Step5: Click on Cancel and then Yes
Step5.a: If user doesn't have updated Pricelist, can get from country and install into the application.
Step6: Updated Prices & references will be shown, if there is any yellow warning, Click on Close and correct the warnings from Product Choice tab as mentioned below
Through control to be performed by User. This update provides only information and requires user’s complete review of each warnings.
Green (Tick Sign): Refence Id is updated in Catalog and soft of the country.
Yellow (Warring Sign): catalog evolution requires manual update
Red (Cross sign): The Reference Id has changes and there is a replacement ref id of old ID. Pay special attention to substitution especially on Electrical devices; Using Functional names help to differentiate electrical devices from cubicles, functional units and cubicles
If there is Yellow warning on Updated Prices & References as shown above, these references will be tagged with <!> in Product Choice tab (below screenshot).
Users can retrieve these references and re-play the model to correct the issue in Product Choice tab
Also, these yellow references will show prices as 0 (zero).
Step7: Once the Project updated, Go to Switchboard Design Tab and click on Front View and you should be able to see the Prisma project converted to Prismaset Active along with latest NSX circuit breaker and wireless server.
Note: If you encounter some small glitches on the front view, send back all elements to bench, go to Step by Step, install first enclosure, then install devices.
Step8: To Move Wireless server from one Column to another Column, Select the required cabinet and right click and select the option as ‘Modify’.
Step9: Select the option as ‘With + Wireless Panel server’ from ‘Green Roof’ section and click on ‘OK’ button.
Step10: To Verify it, We can see the Ref id end with D (For Example:- ) and Wireless Server should be on top of another column.
Step11: Open the Model of side panel, you have to match the size of wireless server cubicle get the correct BOM.