Goals and Symptoms
Is 140CRP93X00 included into the maximum number of option modules supported by Quantum ?
Facts and Changes
There is a misunderstanding concerning the maximum number of NOE and CRP modules we can use in a configuration. What we can see in Manual Hardware Quantum_Octobre2007 is not very explicit.
Causes and Fixes
What we find in the Concept help on line is
We can see that in this doc CRP is only the profibus one, not the Rio head .
We can extend this to :
- For each coupling module and bus controller i.e. TCP/IP Ethernet, Symax Ethernet, MMS Ethernet, Profobus DP, you can specify ( * include ) up to two or six modules in total depending on the CPU.
Please have a look on the memo drawn below.
* Included: to take in account in the max number allowed.
These numbers come from a general rule for option modules. The CRP81100 belongs to the group of option modules such as the NOM or NOE - Not the 140CRP93X00 .
Released for:Schneider Electric India