Stopcode 8xxx only means that the Quantum Processor is in Stop mode. The other various error codes that give more detailed information are tabulated below.
Machine Stop Code Descriptions:
Machine Stop Code Descriptions:
Sr. No. | Stop Bit Code (hex) | Description |
1 | 0x7FFF | PLC Unhealthy |
2 | 0x8000 | PLC Stopped |
3 | 0x4000 | Bad I/O Traffic cop |
4 | 0x2000 | PLC in Dim awareness |
5 | 0x1000 | Bad port intervention |
6 | 0x0100 | Software error, controller in halt |
7 | 0x0080 | Watchdog timer has expired |
8 | 0x0010 | RIO option error |
9 | 0x0001 | Bad Configuration |