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Laipni aicināti Schneider Electric tīmekļa vietnē

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TCO Analysis of a Traditional Data Center vs. a Scalable, Prefabricated Data Center

Standardized, scalable, pre-assembled, and integrated data center facility power and cooling modules provide a “total cost of ownership” (TCO) savings of 30% compared to traditional, built-out data center power and cooling infrastructure. Avoiding overbuilt capacity and scaling the design over time contributes to a significant percentage of the overall savings. This white paper provides a quantitative TCO analysis of the two architectures and illustrates the key drivers of both the capex and opex savings of the improved architecture.

Datums: 19 decembris 2023 | Tips: Produkta apraksts
Valodas: Angļu | Versija: V2
Dokumenta atsauce: SPD_WTOL-8NDS37_EN


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