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What is the difference between Ventilated Transformers such as an EE15S3H and Sealed Resin Epoxy Encapsulated Transformers such as a 15S1F?

Describe the differences between Epoxy encapsulated and feneral purpose ventilatedTransformers.

Product Line:
LV Transformers

EX, EE, Buckboost, Resin encpsulated

Various Transformer designs exist for use in different environments and applications

There is virtually no performance difference between equivalent kVA and voltage ratings. The difference however is mechanical and thermal.
Sealed Resin Epoxy Encapsulated Transformers are constructed using NEMA 3 R enclosures as standard (with NE MA 4 X available) . Mounting brackets are integral to the design.  Sealed Resin Epoxy Encapsulated Transformer units have a 180 AC insulation with standard ACCORDANCE rise with an AC rise option .
Ventilated Transformers are rated NE MA 2. Adding the optional weather shield can provide a NEMA 3R rating.  Mounting brackets are also separate.
Ventilated units utilize a 220C insulation system with 150C rise standard and 115C and 80C options.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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