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How does an installer select an appropriate lug kit for a Transformer?
Transformer Lugs

Product Line:
LV Transformers

Applies to Ventilated and Non Ventilated Transformers by SquareD/Schneider Electric

Lugs are required on Ventilated and Non Ventilated Transformers

Due to the extensive variables that affect the selection of lugs for a particular installation, SquareD/Schneider Electric does not specify lug kits.  It is recommended that the installer select the lugs for his application from the wide variety offered by the local electrical distributor or from SquareD/Schneider Electric offering of mechanical or compression type lug kits found in Publication 7400CT0501 (which provides complete with a description of the lugs and hardware included therein.)  The responsibility for selecting the appropriate lug kit is the sole responsibility of the installer.  All of the lug kits offer single hole lugs only.  See attached lug data bulletin for more information.

Schneider Electric Mexico

Documentos adjuntos
LUGdata.pdf [438.62 KB]
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