I want to display the data from a specific PLC Address, but also use the same variable to display data from an Offset from the original address.
For example, I have two pumps with Pressure values at %MW100 and %MW200, respectively. On a single Data Display, I want to be able to display Pump1 or Pump2's pressure value at the push of a button.
Product Line
Vijeo Designer HMI Software
HMI Programming
Follow these steps:
1) Create an External Variable called PumpPressure and assign it to the Modbus Address %MW100.
2) Create an Internal Variable called ModbusOffsetValue (Integer)
3) In the Property Inspector of PumpPressureInteger, activate the Indirect Address property and assign the variable ModbusOffsetValue
4) Assign the variable PumpPressureInteger to a numeric display on a screen
5) Assign the variable ModbusOffsetValue to a button to toggle assignment of a value of 0 and 100, respectively, to ModbusOffsetValue
As a result, PumpPressureInteger will display:
(a) The value in %MW100 when ModbusOffsetValue = 0
(b) The value in %MW200 when ModbusOffsetValue = 100
For a more detailed example, please refer to Section "Indirect Address Example" in Vijeo Designer Help.
Publicado para:Schneider Electric Mexico