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Driver Log Translation in Windows 7 using the Registry


The following procedure will allow you to set up the driver log translator without the need to download any external programs.  This procedure uses Registry settings to achieve the translation.

Note: Changes to the Registry should only be performed by qualified personnel.  Before making any changes please be sure to make a backup of your Registry.  Failure to do so may result in undesired behaviour in the operating system.  If you are uncomfortable with following the steps below please refer this to someone familiar with making changes to the Registry


Steps to setting up the ClearSCADA translator on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008:

1) Click on the Windows Start button and type 'regedit' into the Run field

2) Go into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and look for a folder labeled .log.  Ensure that the 'Data' column is set to 'txtfile'

3) Now scroll down in the tree to 'txtfile'.  Expand this so that you see the sub-folders.  Expand the 'shell' folder so that you see it's sub-folders.

4) Right-click on 'shell' and select New | Key.  Name this key 'translateDNP3'.

5) Right-click on 'translateDNP3' and select New | Key.  Name this key 'command'.

6) Open a Windows Explorer dialog and navigate to C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA.  Look down the list and find DriverDNP3.  Copy the path.

7) In the Registry, double-click on (Default) and enter the path (including the name of the file - DriverDNP3.exe) into the 'Value data' field.  Put double quotes around the entire string.  Next, append the following onto the end of the string:


The entire string should read like this:

"C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\DriverDNP3.exe" /TRANSLATE "%1" /OPEN

8) Click OK and close the Registry.  Now, if you right-click on a DNP3 comms log you'll see 'translateDNP3' in the menu.  Clicking on this will run the translator which will translate the log file into a more reader friendly format.

9) Repeat steps 4 through 8 above to add translators for the following protocols:

Modbus RTU in TCP        translateSPModbus RTU in TCP          "C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\DriverAdvancedModbus.exe" /TRANSLATE "%1" /OPEN/Protocol:RTU

Modbus RTU          translateSPModubSerial     "C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\DriverAdvancedModbus.exe" /TRANSLATE "%1"

Modbus/TCP          translateSPModusTCP        "C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\DriverAdvancedModbus.exe" /TRANSLATE "%1" /OPEN/Protocol:TCP

Schneider Electric Mexico