How do I properly restore a Geo SCADA database?
Solution 1
Starting with ClearSCADA 2015, Geo SCADA features a 'Backup' object. If a 'Backup' object was used to backup the database, follow the procedure in the ViewX help to restore the database. The procedure may be found here:
ViewX Help | System Administration | Server Administration | Back up the Database | Load your Backup Database Files
Solution 2
Follow the steps below to restore a Geo SCADA database that was saved manually.
1) Open a Windows Explorer dialog and locate the 'Database' folder. On a Windows 10 PC the location should be
C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\Database
(The Database location may be found by right-clicking on the server icon, selecting ‘Configuration’ and then navigating to System Configuration | Location.
All fields should be common to a folder named ‘Database’)
2) Bring the Geo SCADA server icon into view by selecting it from the system tray.
3) Right-click on the server icon and select ‘Shutdown Server’. NOTE: Never copy or replace a database while the Geo SCADA server is running. The database could be corrupted if the server is not shut down first.
4) Wait for the server icon to first turn red (shutting down) and then grey. When the icon turns grey, the Geo SCADA server has been fully shut down.
5) If you are restoring a database from the same folder directory then use the following procedure. (If you are restoring a database that is stored in another directory/media location then you will need to switch between Windows Explorer dialogs.)
After ensuring that the server is shut down, rename or delete the ‘Database’ folder.
6) After deleting the ‘Database’ folder you should be left with the database folder that you wish to restore. (If the database you wish to restore is stored elsewhere, move it to this directory.)
7) Rename the folder to the name ‘Database’.
8) Start the Geo SCADA database, open ViewX and the new Database will be presented.
Publicado para:Schneider Electric Mexico