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Magelis boots up slow due to some datalogging files (Dxxxxxx_OLD.dat)
Magelis boots up slow due to some datalogging files (Dxxxxxx_OLD.dat)

Product Line:

The data logging system has a mechanism to check the integrity of the data logging files. In the event it detects:
1) Corrupt data
2) Incompatible log formats (ie from an older version)
3) Data that was logged with a date or time in the future (ie, the clock was accidentally moved forward and then backwards)

the file will be renamed DXXXXXX_OLD.dat

The datalogging system will check these 3 conditions each time. Of course on an empty CF/SD card or USB flash drive, these conditions don't exist, so the boot up time is fast. However, if there is lots of data on the card, it will take a long time.

We recommend retrieving the data on the flash drive and format the drive.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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