What is the max switching current of the relay for a typical inductive 60VDC and 125VDC application?
Product Line
Modicon X80
@ 60VDC (for operation in temperatures less than 60 deg C)
40W(1)/60VDC = 660ma for 40k cycles maximum
@ 125VDC (for operation in temperatures less than 60 deg C)
15W(5)/125VDC = 120ma for 100k cycles maximum
Modicon X80 Discrete Input/Output Modules User Manual, 11/2020, part number 35012474.18
Page 229 shows the maximum number of relay cycles for (1) 60VDC and (5) 125VDC as reference above.
(1) 0.04 x 106 cycles = 40,000
(5) 0.1 x 106 cycles = 100,000
Publicado para:Schneider Electric Mexico