How to connect the CT leads for an EMB and EME series meter?
Production Line
Energy Meter Basic model (EMB)
Energy Meter Extended Range model (EME)
Current Transformers
Connecting the CT leads to the terminals
Attach the CT leads to appropriately colored CT input terminals, see CT wiring connection below depending on the installation application (3-phase, 4-wire; 1-phase, 3-wire; 1-phase, 2-wire):
- red lead to red terminal
- black lead to black terminal
- yellow lead to black terminal
Polarity is indicated, with the minus (-) terminals connected to neutral within the meter, but polarity is insignificant to the operation of the meter. Since the meter automatically detects phase reversal, so it is not necessary to orientate a particular side of the CTs toward the load.
See Energy Meter Instruction Bulletin, FA212755, for detailed installation instructions.