In UnityPro and Control Expert, customers are able to configure a version of couplers BMeNOC0301.n. Later, new versions of the couplers offers new features. Customer who need to use these new features have to migrate in UnityPro and Control Expert software, the module to a more recent version . Is there a possibility to export the configuration of a coupler from the initial application and import it from an application using new version of the coupler?
Yes it's possible. Without restarting a new configuration.
For this we have developed an application converter software. This converter allows to pass in the application from a "BMeNOCxxx Vn" to "BMeNOCxxx Vn+1".
For exemple , the converter available in UnityPro V13 allows to migrate a BMeNOC V2 in BMeNOC V3.
For exemple , the converter available in UnityPro V13.1 allows to migrate a BMeNOC V3 in BMeNOC V4.
The converter is available in the application browser :Schneider-Electric/Extra/M580_application_update. A User guide is available.
Released for:Schneider Electric Saudi Arabia