In some cases in PME, You may not find all reports available to use.
To be able to view any of these reports you need to follow the following steps,
In our example I will take "Trend Week Report and Trend Month report" As an example
Solution 1 :
1) Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\system\bin folder and holding shift, right click on Bin folder -> "Open command window here"
You will find it like this C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\system\bin>
2)Type ReportPackUtil.exe -root "C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\web" -install "Xpert Trending Analysis Reports"
Note that you need to change the report name based on the report package you need to install. "All packages are available in the above folder location"
You should get a success message.
Try again the Reports and check if the missing ones got created.
Solution 2 :
try to install missing reports through the Web Reporter in Web Application
1) Go to Reports tab
2) on the top of the Report session, there is Report Library and beside it has 3 bars, click on it and go to Upload Report Template "This is for version 9.0. For Version 8.0, You will find an upload sign"
3) Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\web\ReportPacks and unzip the Xpert Trending Analysis Reports folder "In your case unzip the required reports package you need"
4) Select the Report template you want and install it (XXXX.rdl)
5) Test the report
Note that any used report must be availabe in your license. Some reports are available with base license and other requiring special license.
Released for:Schneider Electric Saudi Arabia