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What is the difference between the Enercept meters?
The customer may ask the or the similarity or difference the between Entercept meters.

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Enercept meters characteristics

Differentiate each of the Enercept meter for easy selection.

There are two generations of Enercept meters, the 3020 series Enercept meters obsolete and its recommended replacement EM4200 series Enercept meters.
The Enercept series meters are serial devices speak Modbus RTU Protocol for 3020 series and Modbus RTU/BACnet MS/TP protocols for EM4200 series, 2-Wire RS-485, no display,
use low voltage current transformer (LVCT) split-core and/or Rogowski Coil - only on EM4200 series, and the current transformer are small, medium, or large size.
  1. 3020 Series Enercept Meters
The 3020 Series Enercept meter has for part numbers 3020B0xx-x or 3020E0xx-x where:
- The letter “B” stands for Basic meter; data output only for Active Energy (kWh) and Real Power (kW total).
- The letter “E” stands for Enhanced meter; data output for Active Energy (kWh), Real Power (kW) per phase and total, Demand (kW),
Reactive Power (kVAR), Apparent Power (kVA), Power Factor per phase and total, Current (A) per phase and average,
Voltage (V) line-to-neutral, per phase and average, and Voltage (V) line-to-line, per phase and average. The “xxx”, the three
last digits for the CT rating and size.

This is an example of part number:
  • 3020B032(S): for a basic Enercept meter 3 phase and 300 A CTs.
  • 3020E032(S): for an Enhanced Enercept meter 3 phase and 300 A CTs.
Look here in the 3020 series Enercept meter installation guide on page 10 for data output.
  1. EM4200 Series Enercept Meters
The EM4200 series Enecept meter has for part number METSEEM4235 and METSEEM4236, the two model do not have similarity on the wiring code and
the demand interval configuration.
The EM4200 speaks Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP and uses LVCT split-core as well as Rogowski coil with full Data set measurement capability.
- The EM4235 model is IEC for wiring coded (L1-Brown, L2-Black, L3-Gray, and N-White) and allows demand interval configuration fixed or
rolling block, but not external sync to communication.
- The EM4236 model is ANSI (North America) for wiring coded (L1-Red, L2- Black, L3-Yellow, and N-Bleu) and allows demand interval configuration fixed or
rolling block, and external sync to communication.
Look at the EM4200 Technical Datasheet PDF attached on pages 2, 3, and 4 respectively wiring code, demand interval configuration, and for CTs part numbers.
Other useful information on the Enercept meters can be found in the following links, FA211870, FA211913, FA270750, FA279387, and FA211869.

Schneider Electric Saudi Arabia

EM4200 Technical Data Sheet.pdf [543.82 KB]
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