Most Smart-UPS products feature user updateable UPS Firmware.
This allows for ongoing improvements, feature enhancements, and cybersecurity remediations of Smart-UPS products after deployment.
Product line:
Since we will continually release new products that are supported by the tool, we identify devices that are NOT supported.
Devices that do NOT have updateable firmware:
- UPS Models with the prefixes SRC, SU, SUA, SUM, SURT, SURTA, SURTD
- SMX750, SMX1000, SMX1500 with ID 11 and firmware UPS 02.x or lower. These units are 120 V devices built prior to date code 1037. Date code is the first 4 numbers in your serial number. (e.g. Serial Number AS1036123456 would not be supported.)
Note: We recommend to always keep your UPS up to date with the latest UPS Firmware
There are several methods to update the firmware of the UPS:
Locally via a Serial connection using the Firmware Upgrade Wizard application. This is the most universal method and should be used whenever possible.
CLICK HERE to update using a Serial connection and the Firmware Upgrade Wizard. (RECOMMENDED)
Remotely via the web interface of the Network Management Card (NMC): requires a a SmartSlot or Embedded NMC.
CLICK HERE to update using the web interface of the Network Management Card
Remotelyvia the command line interface of the Network Management Card (NMC): requires a a SmartSlot or Embedded NMC.
CLICK HERE to update using the command line interface of the Network Management Card
Remotely via SmartConnect - supported only by EcoStruxure Ready Smart-UPS devices only (UPS Models with the prefixes SCL, SMC, SMT, SMTL, SMX, SRTL models with a "C" suffix; e.g. SMX1500IC, SCL500RMI2UC, SMT1500C, SMX1000C).
CLICK HERE to update via Smart-Connect
Locally via a USB flash drive - supported by XU1K3LLXXRCC and certain Smart-UPS SRT UPS models only.
CLICK HERE to update via a USB flash drive
The Firmware Upgrade Wizard, Network Management Card, SmartConnect and USB methods may require that the UPS output power is turned off.
If the UPS output power must be turned off, ensure that your network access is not dependent on the UPS for power when updating via the Network Management Card or SmartConnect.